Through fighting.
For the continuity of glory of the early civilizations of the world, the people fought wars in order to maintain their glory. When they won the war their glory increases but when they taste defeat, their glory decrease and slowly the civilization tends towards its end so from this discussion we can conclude that fighting for the glory is the only way for the survival of civilizations in the world.
I'm assuming you're asking for synonyms for arguments. Here are as man as I can think of: disagreement, fight, feud, clash, and dispute.
B) there was no separation of powers
Spartan political system was a combination of monarchy (kings), oligarchy (Gerousia) and democracy (ephoroi, ephors). Oligarchy– Sparta always had two kings, the state was ruled by two hereditary kings of the Agiad and Eurypontid families (probably the two gens had great merits in the conquest of Laconia).
During the 1790s, the young republic faced many of the same problems that confronted the newly independent nations of Africa and Asia in the 20th century. Like other nations born in anti-colonial revolutions, the United States faced the challenge of building a sound economy, preserving national independence, and creating a stable political system which provided a legitimate place for opposition.In 1790, it was not at all obvious that the Union would long survive. George Washington thought that the new government would not last 20 years. One challenge was to consolidate public support. Only about 5 percent of adult white males had voted to ratify the new Constitution and two states, North Carolina and Rhode Island, continued to support the Articles of Confederation. Vermont threatened to join Canada.