Unbiased opinions are those who are uninfluenced by other opinions.
1 IT stands for technology information
2 The club is interested in computers for anyone
3 Do you like playing games on your computer?
4 would you like to learn how computers work?
5 The meetings last for one hour so we finish at 1:30
6 You don’t need to bring your laptop
7 we are looking for new members for the Debating Society
1 he had a major obsession with gold
2 he could eat anything his food would turn to gold
3 hes greedy,
4 nothing would bring him satisfaction until the world was his treasure room and filled
with gold
This is Easy for you to do all you have to do is follow the steps below:
- Think about what a relative always repeat about a long ago story and you or them
- Give some details about it.
- Give some funny parts that you will always laugh
I would go with nature because thats what it sounds like to me hope this helps<span />