According to the details in this excerpt, the people from Manhattan and Brooklyn
will still prefer to cross the river by ferry unless the weather does not allow it.
The excerpt describes the habit of the common working people who have to shuffle between their residence and the work and in between have to take the ferry through the newly constructed bridge.
This makes the space of Brooklyn available for work for them as is said there.
This also makes for the fact that the people of the area would prefer too live where they live and work where they work and will be convenience by this effort.
Yesterday Isabella sang at the tryout for a local musical production.
Welcome means a kind greeting or reception according to the dictionary.However, if where you come you are being expected in order to make you suffer , the word to greet you will be welcome but with a connotation that is opposite tho the real meaning of the word.In that sense it would mean "we were here expecting you to get what you deserve"
Rise by dictionary definition is to ascend or move from a lower to a higher position.Yet ,rise might mean to rebel against someone and the position of a rebel is not high .If the rebellion includes violence and killing, the people involved will be judged and punished.Then the rising will not bring a better or higher position.