Germany intended to build up a powerful empire by occupying territory to the east and south. Then, after overrunning France, it would use air assaults to force Britian to make peace.
THE BATTLE OF BUNKER HILL was fought on June 17 1775 at Charlestown, Boston, MA the battle started off with the patriots winning and then turned into the british winning after they ran out of bullets but then the famous saying don't shot till you see the whites in there eyes and so they could not miss a shot and the British ended up losing
In my opinion, yes. Farming allowed the people to stay where they were and build, as opposed to traveling with herds.
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There were key differences between the two documents in the how they both confided the law. The article of confederation established a unicamy legislature. As opposed to the eventual bicameral system created by the constitution. The articles created a loose confederation of sovereign states in a week central government leaving most of the power with the state governments. The need for a stronger federal government soon became apparent and eventually led to the constitutional convention in 1787.