Haha yes it looks greatttt!!!
Outside Today
This song peaked up at number 31 on the Billboard Hot 100, becoming NBA Young Boy's highest charting song until it released of "Bandit" with Juice WRLD, which peaked in the top 10 in October 2019.
You are Albert's son or Albert is your father. Simply we need to analyze first the situation.
You are a male, which makes you X.
Your son if Y.
Your son's father is Z
Albert's son is A.
Let's say that your son's father (Z) is you (X) because it is your son, so that makes it X = Z or Z = X.
Next, Albert's son is your son's father. so we all know that son's father is just equal to X which is you, that means that A, Albert's son, your son's father (Z) and you (X) are all equal.
Therefore, you are Albert's son, Albert is your father. Albert is your son's grandfather, and your son is Albert's grandchild.