Image 04:
A. Es la esposa de Paul
Image 01:
B. Es el hijo de John
Image 02:
C. Es el nieto de Tina y John
Image 03:
D. Es la sobrina de Patrick y Helen
Desayuno is breakfast in English.
<span>Araceli helping grandparents
Mom sweep the floor
Dad and Jorge make a website
Olga go to the dentist
Your fix the car
Olga ________
2.) Everyone has already finished their chores. Use the preterite of the boldface verbs in the list to say what everyone did.
Boldface verb> to shake) furniture (pope and Jorge)</span>
Doña María está de vacaciones en la playa, ella está tomando sol en su toalla mientras los niños están jugando en el agua, uno de los niños se fué muy hondo y se está ahogando, el esposo de doña María va nadando rápidamente a ayudarlo, afortunadamente lo sacaron del agua y está bien, solo se llevaron un susto.
Doña María is on vacation at the beach, she is sunbathing on her towel while the children are playing in the water, one of the children went very deep and is drowning, Doña María's husband is swimming quickly to help him, afortunely they took him out the water and he's fine, they just had a scare.