Prompt 1: The society in the Giver, is structured in such a way that promotes security over freedom. The people have no choices or freedom of any kind, yet they don't need to worry about getting enough resources, or basic survival needs because everything is planned out by the government.
Prompt 2: I would say that the attitude toward euthanasia is mostly accepted because that is what is written into the society, and part of your planned out life. However, I think you would need to go back to the text and pay attention to the tone and word choices around that subject.
Gawain gave the Lord a green girdle for the green Knight.
Dear friend.
Imagine him receiving that message has been the only happiness in my life. I don't know you, nor do you know me, but if fate has allowed you to find my message, it's because you need to know about me and help, if not me, other victims like me.
I find myself trapped in the basement of the sadistic, mad, murderous General Zaroff. I arrived here after my ship wreck survived. I came in search of help, but I only received despair and panic. The general hunts me like an animal, plotting my death all the time. I can no longer sleep, and control my nerves, I live on the edge of insanity all the time and I believe that my days of life will be short if I remain here, or if I throw myself into the sea, trying in vain to escape my captivity.
I'm afraid of suffering at the hands of Zaroff, I'm afraid of a slow and painful death, but my biggest fear is that this rascal will get away with his actions.
Please take this letter to the authorities and help an unfortunate person like me.
Character against nature.