2) Protesting a lack of representation in Parliament
During this time period, the British Empire began to assert more influence in the American Colonies. It wanted a tighter political control over the colonies, and it also raised taxes on them.
The colonists, who were used to lower taxes, and a great degree of independence, were outraged. They demanded "no taxation without representation", meaning that no laws affected them should be decreed in the British Parliament without representation from the American Colonies.
Chiến tranh Lạnh giai đoạn 1985 tới 1991 bắt đầu với sự nổi lên của Mikhail Gorbachev trở thành lãnh đạo Liên xô. Nó chấm dứt cùng với sự sụp đổ của Liên bang Xô viết năm 1991.