محمد عبده the best singer
Here are my paragraphs:
The Natural Minor Scale is a minor scale in its simplest form. It has no added sharps of flats besides those in the key signature. For example, the A minor scale (which is the relative to the C Major Scale) has no sharps or flats in the key signature, which means that the natural A Minor Scale is just from A to A.
In the Harmonic Minor Scale, you raise the seventh note in the scale-up a half step on the way up the scale and on the way back down the scale. So in the A minor scale, G becomes G sharp.
Finally, with the Melodic Minor Scale, you raise the sixth and seventh notes up a half step on the way up the scale, but not on the way back down. In A Minor, F and G become F sharp and G sharp, but only on the way up the scale.
According to the Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia at Michigan’s Ferris State University, a white minstrel show actor named Thomas Dartmouth “Daddy” Rice (1808-1860) performed solo skits based on a stereotypical black character named Jim Crow. Rice’s highly exaggerated performance manner was, mostly, based on showing blacks as lazy “darkies” and as natural-born musical talents whose behavior was nonetheless childlike and buffoonish. The name Jim Crow.
Ok one never quit and two thank you for the points if you ever need help just mesage me on brainly.
You did not put the assingment in