Привет! Кто-нибудь читал Криспину крест ведущего? Если да, то может ли кто-нибудь дать мне представление о том, как он изменился в этой истории! Спасибо за ваше время!
D) Treaties do not need approval and executive.
At least that's what I believe accordingly to reliable sources.
Answer: They face prejudice due to perceived moral flaws.
The society or most society has a wrong notion about those with AIDS and poverty. Some people see AIDS patient's as those who don't have the right to live for a long while, while many others see those are poor different and want to have nothing to do with them. There is always this discrimination against this groups in the society and it affects individuals in those categories.
They are;
1) Animal sacrificing
2) Superstition
2) Dowry Custom
4) Untouchability
5) Gender discrimination etc
The mirror projects items larger than they actually are.