House Un-American Activities Committee
I believe the answer is It shows that Charlemagne conquered a huge part of Europe.
Charlemagne became the first man in history to conquer Western Europe since the downfall of the Roman Empire. Eventhough his empire was not as large as the Romans, His achievement still pretty much respected becuase many experts believe that the current France and England is the fragments of what used to be Charlemagne's empire.
Step 1: An idea is introduced in Congress, it becomes a bill.
Step 2: Committees within Congress research, review, and approve.
Step 3: The bill is introduced to the House or Senate floors for all to review and consider.
Step 4: If approved by both the House and Senate, the bill moves to the President.
Step 5: President approves the bill and it becomes law.
Israelites (Judaism) which was the foundation for Christianity