There are exactly 5,108 years beteen 3200 B.C.E. (Before current era) and 1903 C.E (Current Era). This is because if we take into consideration that BCE time takes place before year 0 and CE time takes place after; we must calculate the ammount of time it takes to get to year 0 then to the CE time.
The given question is incomplete. The correct question should be "Find the difference between primitive subsistence farming and intensive subsistence farming". The answer is given below
Primitive Subsistence Farming
- It is one of the earliest farming methods to be used because it utilises primitive tools and is carried out on a small-scale.
- Primitive subsistence farming is sufficient to feed the farmer and their family. It cannot fulfill all family needs.
- Maize, yam, potatoes and cassava are the crops grown in this type of farming
- This kind of farming is prominent in the thickly populated areas of the monsoon regions of the south, southeast and east Asia.
Intensive Subsistence Farming
- In this type of farming, the farmer cultivates a small plot of land using simple tools and intensive labour.
- This type of farming is used to sell the crops and gain more profit.
- Rice,Wheat, maize, pulses and oilseeds are the crops grown in this kind of farming
- This type of farming is very prominent in the thickly forested areas of Amazon basin, tropical Africa, parts of Southeast Asia and Northeast India.
Learn about more types of farming
a) This is because the other choices are either way too early or too late. Plus kids enter puberty around middle school.
La respuesta es la D.
Decimos que la respuesta es la D, es decir la palabra llama,porque esta palabra sin cambiar en ninguna de sus sílabas ,tiene varios significados.Por ejemplo la palabra llama puede significar fuego,también la palabra llama tambien se puede referir a un animal mamífero que habita en algunas países que hacen parte de la región andina como colombia,argentina,ecuador.
Hope this helps God bless!!!
They are home to things like algae, insects, fish, and turtles. These living things depend on nonliving things like stones, sunlight, and soil, as well as water. Water is a part of all ecosystems. Every living thing needs water.