सारंगी , इसराज, दिलरुबा, तारशहनाई, सरोद, बांसुरी आदि वाद्य संगत के लिए उपयोग में लाए जाने लगे। आधुनिक काल के आते -आते हारमोनियम, वाइलिन आदि पाश्चात्य वाद्यों का भी प्रयोग शास्त्रीय संगीत में संगत वाद्य के रूप में किया जाने लगा।
What language is this sounds cool
me to I love his music so much it is so sad
Answer: She feels isolated from her family.
Being provided with food is part of the essential care of a person. This is vital for existence. As God is our father, we (can) ask him to be always fed. This is why the request for our "daily bread" is included in the prayer.
The best example is when Jesus took a couple of pieces of bread, fish and wine and was able to feed the whole village, and then some. Taking care of everyone, as a father would.