Change the pH and the enzyme<span> stops working. Increasing the temperature to 60°C will cause a permanent change to the shape of the active site. This is why </span>enzymes<span> stop working when they are heated. We say they have become </span>denatured<span>.</span>
The benefits and harms of learning about my DNA are mostly in medical, personal, civil and criminal fields.
a) Pros: learning about my genome sequence could provide new information on the genetic basis of poorly understood diseases with the potential to provide new therapies, immediate benefits based on the current understanding of genetic and health. Being aware of elevated risks for known diseases could allow me to make proactive decisions about my health such as visiting the doctor frequently for more check ups, screening. Choosing one type of prescription drug over another based on my metabolism, changing my diet or exercise plan, informing reproductive decisions, moreover, I would personalize my health care precisely.
b) Cons: the potential harms are the privacy invation, database exposure , which could lead to serious implications for the criminal justice system, which generally seeks to increase the availability of DNA samples from the population. It would create genetic discrimination, meaning that would be harder to find jobs, contract insurance, even though we have a Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act.
The vegetable oil is made up of chains of long fatty acids. These long chains of fatty acids are non-polar in nature, i.e, they do not interact through ionic forces rather by covalent forces. The phospholipids are also long chain fatty acids with an ionic head. The mixing of the vial of phospholipid in vegatable oil will lead to the formation of a micelle where the lipophilic ends of the phospholipid will be on the outside and the lipophobic end will be towards the centre of the micelle.