<span>The 17th century saw Sweden as an European "Great Power" and one of the major military and political combatants on the continent during the Thirty Years' War. By mid-century, the kingdom included part of Norway, all of Finland and stretched into Russia. Sweden's control of portions of modern Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Germany made the Baltic Sea essentially a Swedish lake.</span>
The presidential election of 1856 reflected a growing sectional divide in the United States. In 1856 President James Buchanan was elected by who we now called Republicans. This caused outrage in some because they had different views and beliefs than President James Buchanan. Therefore, the Democrats were created which created a sectional divide in the United States.
The presidential election of 1856 reflected a growing sectional divide in the United States. In 1856 President James Buchanan was elected by who we now called Republicans. This caused outrage in some because they had different views and beliefs than President James Buchanan. Therefore, the Democrats were created which created a sectional divide in the United States.
Opportunity drives individuals and countries to take chances. When Mexico ended Spanish reign and declared their independence in 1821, the young country was poised to become a superpower of the Americas. With northern territories stretching from modern-day California to ports in the Gulf of Mexico, it seemed the country had the ingredients to amass vast wealth through many possibilities. One relatively lawless and rural territory caught Mexico's attention for growth soon after independence: Texas.
The price of resources that go into the production of a good will affect the price of the good.