I believe the correct answer is c
I would love to experience the Arctic Animals. Different animals that we would not usually see in our Biome. It would also be really cool to see all the Icebergs, and how they melt throughout the seasons.
N- No one tries to help
O- Over the world
T- Through with life
H- How can no one see
I- It is all filled with lies
N- No one will ever listen
G- Get it out of my head
B- But no one will help
U- Utterly impossible to live
T- Tired all the time instead
T- Trying to get through this
H- How can you just sit there
E- Everyones hands curled in fists
T- Truth can set me free
R- Roots are nothing
U- Utterly impossible to live
T- Thinking through all this
H- How can you not see me
she took the pen in her hand, what else.