If it were me I would put the two words starting the two paragraphs as "So" and "The"
P.S. I don't know the exact answer this is just what I personally would put. To help you a little more the two words follow along with this. "So in order" and "The first of these"
Dryads are mythological spirits who make their homes in trees.
1) correct spelling of spirts > spirits
2) Dryads is plural, so you need the pronoun to be 'their' not 'its'
3) I changed home> homes because presumably the dryads live in multiple homes, but it could be argued that 'make their home' is an expression and is acceptable.
4) I would not add a comma before the 'who' because in this sentence it seems that making their homes in trees is an essential part of defining who Dryads are.
um. try the last one. the other ones don't seem right to me so see if the last one makes sense
Used books
Perused means something that has been read with detail so this mean they are used
Quietism is an older christian philosophy.
Monaism is the idea that attributes oneness or singleness to a concept. Various kinds of monism can be distinguished.
<span>Aquinas rejected these mainly due to the fact that he In other words, was an anthropologist, with a complete theory of Man, right or wrong. He did not in any way believe in the divine. However he did believe that he had "To follow reason as far as it will go;" Aquinas lived in a time where more people believed in man was here for a reason and it would be that reason they had to find some day in his own life such as a king rulling over the people he once was a part of or a poet writing something and it making an impact in the lives of others. He believed in Man living for Man not that some God put us here to live for him instead we must find our reason of being put here and living for that reason.</span>