Answer: Beowulf and Arthur enter into battle somewhat alone. Beowulf specifically asks, “That he, alone and with the help of his men, may purge all evil from the hall.” His request is granted by Hrothgar, King of the Danes, so he and his man enter into the battle themselves so that when Grendel is defeated, the glory, love and respect belong solely to Beowulf and his men
The correct answer is A. Main ideas
In texts or speeches, the purpose of the author or speaker is always to explain a central idea that is related to a specific topic, situation or issue. Additionally, the central idea is developed through main ideas, which are more specific than the central idea and act as detailed points of it. For example, in a persuasive speech the main ideas are the key reasons that support the author's position, in the same way, in the case of a text that explains the effects of global warming the details or main ideas to explain the topic are the more important effects of global warming in terms of ecosystems, health, economy, etc. According to this, the main ideas there the ones that are detailed points of focus for developing your central idea.
People feel happy
hope this helps :)
I absolutely love this book and the movie!
the answer is either c or d but I'm 99% positive the answer is
D-wealth cannot but friendship's.
remembering this part of the book I'm pretty sure the answer indeed is D. Hope my answer could help.
Maybe u could say " I feel like i could be a good candidate becuse i have studyed everything i have to know . "