Hi !
je dois m'étirer avant de faire de l'exercice.
The rule is =
When a verb follows another one which is conjugated in a simple tense it has to be infinitive tense........
m'étire = je m'étire
tu t'étires
il/elle/on s'étire
nous nous étirons
vous vous étirez
ils/elles s'étirent
'homme' means 'man' so you would have to use the masculine.
Beau is masculine.
Belle is feminine.
So you would use beau.
Hope this helps :)
Salut !
Determining the gender of "un professeur," for instance, requires the knowledge of whether the teacher is a man or a woman.
- true
Un professeur = masculin
Some words are always masculine or feminine, despite the gender of the person referred to. Don't be tempted to select the article you use based on the gender of the person about whom you are speaking.
C. est-ce que je peux vous demander une faveur, s’il vous plaît? Is your correct answer! Please correct me if im Incorrect.
vous devriez parler anglais ici sinon les gens ne comprenaient pas le français