Ima give a list
7 Pounds
August Rush
Battle for Sevastopol
Cars (music is catchy)
Walle - E
Run, Boy Run
Ip Man (all of them)
John Wick
i have more but thats all ima put rn lol
Kono Dio Da!!
Respectively, the emphasis goes on pitch and duration.
Tonic accents emphases on pitch. By definition, a tonic accent in classical music is the attention given on a note with a particularly high pitch. Tonic accents in general refer to the pitch that a sound has.
Agogic accents emphases on duration. A variation on the duration of a note will make the beat stronger, where otherwise it would sound flat and without an accent.
<em>A combination of panic brought on by a lifetime of fear had kept her within arms' length of the pool edge. </em>