C) Bison
Natives used every part of the animal. Skins for clothing, Bones for tools and weapons, Everything else was used as tools or other things.
With U.S economic culture dependent on capitalism and increased influence of U.S.A over the world and downfall of communism led to increased influence of capitalism.
By signing the treaty, the Native Americans agreed to formally cede most of Ohio and parts of the rest of the Northwest Territory to the Americans; the Native Americans also agreed to let the Americans peacefully settle in those lands without fear of attack.
Child laborers and Miners did not get to share the prosperity. child laborers were more times than not, sold to the shop or industry because, their families needed money. and the Miners didn't reap the money of the late 1800's because most of them were in dire need for money and would take any wage, or they had just gotten here from a foreign country and didn't have anywhere else to work.
The 3 significant causes to World War 1 would be:1. Treaty of Versailies, which forces Germans into accepting Full Blame for WWI. 2.This caused Germany to lose a lot of its lands. 3. Forced them to pay restitution for war dameges to countries like France, and Great Britain ect. 4. (just for the info) This made their leader very angry and it started a whole new perspective upon the nations view point.