No - take out the colon and change the semi-colons for commas.
Toastmasters have taught me how to initiate a negotiation, how to negotioate a deal, when to compromise on a deal, how to close the deal, and when to walk away from a negotiation.
fabulous: pertaining to fables; amazing or incredible in nature
biblical: pertaining to the Holy Scripture
christianity: the religion of the followers of Jesus Christ
grammatical: conforming to the rules of a language
brave: courageous
inaccessible: unreachable
expulsion: the act of forcing one to leave a group, often a means of punishment
duly: correctly, properly
defamation: disgrace or dishonor on a person
(you didn't give much clarification had to guess which ones were the words and definition)
The answer is false because, even though Hobbes offered this opinion in Leviathan Chapter VI, he didn’t mean that it would happen, or that it is possible; he was only giving an opinion about what could happen in nature, and the reality that could fall on mankind if laws, regulations and conventions are taken away from society: without a government, things could get our of hand, and life could be solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.