The windward side faces the prevailing, or trade, winds, whereas the island's leeward side faces away from the wind, sheltered from prevailing winds by hills and mountains. Here is only some characteristics.
She could use a control to compare her data to and make sure it is cleaner. Ex. Use the old detergent on ten shirts and then use the new detergent on another ten shirts. She would then compare the shirts she did each detergent on and come up with her conclusion.
<span>All four nucleotides (adenine, guanine, thymine, cytosine) are synthesized in the liver. The nucleotides can be synthesized de novo or recycled through salvage pathways. The synthesis occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell, not within a specific organelle. The components which are used for the nucleotide synthesis are derived from biosynthetic precursors of carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism, and from ammonia and CO2.</span>