The answer is below:
Some of the main effects that the creation of nation-states in Europe had on today’s society can be described as
1. It had led to an increase in the uniform national culture through state policy.
2. It has led to more demands for nationalism principles.
Note: a nation-state is a type of state or country in which the majority speaks the same language or have the same cultural background with little or nothing
Richard Nixon was the 37th president.
The printing press was important to the spread of the Renaissance and Humanist thinking because it made it easier to print books and pamphlets. People then soon read more often and understood the ideas written in the book or pamphlet. At the time it was the priests who only knew how to read, so they would plant ideas into people's heads causing them to not have ideas of their ideas. Because of the printing press, people started to learn to think on their own.
D: Spain, These eagle-shaped fibulae, dating from the 6th century were found at Tierra de Barros (Spain, then the Kingdom of the Visigoths) and are made of sheet gold over bronze.
•O = Overview<span> – A general statement of what you see as your first impression
</span>•P = Parts – What specific parts are there in the visual? You should describe each piece
•T = Title<span> – What is the title of the piece?
•I = Interrelationships<span>– How do the parts interrelate? How does the title fit into this interrelationship?</span>
•C = Conclusion<span> – What can you conclude about this visual? What does it mean or represent?
Overview:<span> The coffin lid depicts a very lifelike person with dark hair and eyes and a very decorated headdress
Parts:<span> The head has fancy hair and a hat. The eyes are almond shaped and have make-up on them. The breastplate of the person looks very intricate, maybe woven, perhaps made out of various materials like teeth, bones, etc. Although the coffin is made out of wood, the part under the necklace looks like it is made of bronze. There might be some hieroglyphs in the middle
Title:<span> Wooden coffin of the mummy of Nesperennub
Interrelationships:<span> Not sure whether this is a man or a woman’s coffin, but it is definitely a well-preserved coffin. Looking at the title and at the coffin, it is Egyptian and clearly old. It isn’t gold, however, only wood. Does that mean the person wasn’t </span>
Conclusion:<span> This is well-preserved sarcophagus for an upper-class Egyptian. The fancy hairdo and headgear and the bronzing on the coffin suggests that it belonged to someone from the upper class. Only people from the upper classes had coffins as elaborate as this one. The fact that it isn’t made of gold either indicates that the person wasn’t royalty, </span>
<span>or that it is one of the outer coffins that were usually not gold but wood. In any case, it is a great example of what Egyptians in 800 BCE must have looked and dressed like</span>