Answer: the people; monarch
If a a nation is a republic, political power rests within the hands of the people and not the monarch.
A republic is a country whereby the people in the country has the ultimate power and can elect whoever they want as their president.
The correct answer is A. The October Revolution in Russia.
The First World War was a warlike confrontation that occurred in Europe between the years 1914 - 1918, in which most of the European power countries were involved, aligned on two sides, on the one hand, there was the Triple Alliance formed by the Central Powers: the German Empire, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria, and Austria-Hungary. And on the other side was the Triple Entente, made up of the United Kingdom, France, Italy, the Japanese Empire, the United States, and the Russian Empire. On the other hand, the internal situation of Russia had been deteriorated by internal factors such as the weakness of the Russian army, the growing proletarian class that had aligned itself with socialist ideas, the loss of territory due to the war, the misery in some areas of the country, and the discontent of the population against the Tsar. Therefore, the revolution occurred at the hands of the soviets, a proletarian group that demanded that power be placed under their power to turn Russia into a Socialist State and get out of the war that had used a large part of the economic resources with those that the country counted and that had caused scarcity and poverty to many Russians. Finally, on November 7, 1917, the so-called "October Revolution" broke out, led by Leon Trotsky and Lenin, who formed the first Soviet government, the Council of People's Commissars, made up of characters called to play an important role in the future. like Trotsky, Stalin, and Rykov. Therefore, the correct answer is A. The October Revolution in Russia.
D. It was built on loyalty
There was the Hungarian Revolution.
The eastern part of Scandinavia is better for agriculture than the western part because the eastern part has more fertile soil. Its fertility is better than the west region. The eastern part is very mountainous, irrigation, for example, can be taken place. However, the eastern part of Scandinavia is flat.