If the soil/ground is good for crops they'll adpat to start growing crops,
if they have a river near by humans' or "settlers" Can use the river/water to not die dehydration and possibly catch fish which is another food soruce, and the animals in their area, say deer's and birds of some sorts, they can hunt and survive by their meats
Answer: B) The Organic Theory
The Organic Theory of geography -- or maybe more accurately, of geopolitics -- was proposed by German geographer Friedrich Ratzel in 1897. He suggested that nations function similarly to living organisms. The controversial part of his theory was that the way a living organism takes in nourishment to grow and thrive, strong nations naturally will nourish and expand themselves, taking in weaker nations or cultures around them. Ratzel coined the term "Lebensraum" (German for "living space"), which originally, in his view, meant the space for a strong nationalist culture to grow. His writings came only a few decades after the German Empire had been reborn as the "Second Reich" (second kingdom), a renewal of the older "Holy Roman Empire" of German states as they were linked together in the medieval era. Ratzel's ideas about "Lebensraum" later were picked up by Hitler and the Nazis as a justification for expanding German territory and taking over neighboring countries. Germany's expansion under the Nazis as the "Third Reich" led to World War II in Europe.
The Federalist Papers were a series of documents, reportedly 85 different ones, that substantiated the ratification of the Constitution. Essentially made to defend it's ratification against the anti-federalists.
Hideki Tojo
Tojo was head of the military and was tried and executed by the Americans at the end of WW2.
Imperialism is more direct domination where an outside power completely takes over to create an empire and considers it as its own. Colonialism is where the existing state is not entirely dismissed, but it is still controlled.