cheaper pricing of foreign goods over fair value leading to abandonment of local manufactured goods ,
favour Northern manufacturer/North, disfavour Southern Manufacturers.
Passed it.
Hamilton proposition for increase in tariff was to raise government revenue to pay off debt owed by the government.
By increasing import duty; American will encourage to buy local products hence boosting local manufacturers.
However There were two parties in disagreement to this the North and South;
The reason is the North manufactured products so if tariff for that product was increased; imported goods would be costlier and theirs would have a competitive edge of low pricing and The US citizen would buy from the Northern manufacturers.
In the south; they harvest raw material which they export. So if tariff for the end product of the raw material is high; their importers would show less import interest because if they bought from them, the price of finished goods would be high and so will have no market assuming they were sold in the US as well [made from a distant country].
However Congress passed the bill.