They didn’t want him going against what they thought. Their beliefs in the church were different from his. Other ideas weren’t accepted.
<span>gabriel's story was an instance of using an anecdote to support a point in a speech.An anecdote is a short narrative that told in a humorous way that is told in order to send a deeper understanding toward a specific issue. By using anedote, a person could address uncomfortable topics without offending the audience too much.</span>
Answer: Option (D) is correct
Economic efficiency is referred to as the situation where all commodities and factors of production residing within an economy are allocated or distributed in most efficient way in order to eliminate or minimize waste. It also implies to an state(economical) where resources are being optimally allocated in order to serve individuals or other entity in best way possible while trying to minimize inefficiency and waste.
<span>I believe that the groups that are most likely to exhibit the most favorable patterns of achievement would be the groups that have the closer family ties, or the groups that had the smaller classes where one on one contact could be initiated.</span>