C X-inactivation "switches off" one of the X chromosomes.
There are options for this question they are:
a) neutral stimulus; conditioned stimulus
b) conditioned stimulus; neutral stimulus
c) unconditioned stimulus; conditioned stimulus
d) neutral stimulus; unconditioned stimulus
e) unconditioned stimulus; neutral stimulus
The correct answers are - In this example, the buzzer begins as the neutral stimulus and eventually becomes the conditioned stimulus. The buzzer initially is a neutral stimulus because it have no role to play in the blinking response. Eventually though through learned association the buzzer becomes a conditioned stimulus because you now associate it with a puff of air to the eye which in turn causes you to blink.
Monohybrid cross may be defined as the cross done by taking the single character at the time. The monohybrid cross explains the concept of dominance and law of segregation.
The P1 parent of monohybrid cross doesnot have completely identical genes. This can be explained by the cross shown below:
Parent Tt × tt
Gamete T t × t
Here, the parents are not identical.
Thus, the answer is falsi.
The ability of flight allows them to migrate to different plants if needed. They can only leave a plant and walk away if there is a predator or if their food source's quality has deteriorated, otherwise they remain on their original host plant until then.
D.) volcanic eruption's Open new fault lines between plates, which causes earthquakes