Urbanization has changed literally everything over the years from the environment being destroyed little by little but also it effects water pollution and by factories being made puts a bunch of terrible greenhouse gasses that are not healthy to breath in.
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Oocyte: A cell in a ovary which may undergo meiotic division to form an ovum
The diagram which shows the formation of two daughter cells is mitosis.
A human body cell has 46 chromosomes when mitosis in a human body cell occurs, the parent cell divides into two daughter cells which has the exact number of chromosome i. e. 46 in each daughter cell. When replication of chromosome occurs, two identical copies of chromosomes are formed.
A karyotype is a picture in which the chromosomes of a cell
have been stained so that the banding patterns of the chromosomes appear. This
way it is possible to view abnormalities in the chromosomes. Disorders such as aneuploidy can be diagnosed by karyotype.
It can also help identify local abnormalities on chromosomes such as abnormalities
in chromosome length, and location of the