1. Clutch
4. Alpha
5. Sulk
6. Juxtapose
7. Labyrinth
Sorry, Couldn't figure out the rest
After we had waited for twenty minutes
is the answer ^
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm It is B ok
Wherever the crime novels of P.D. James are discussed by critics, there is a tendency on the one hand to <u><em>exaggerate</em></u> her merits and on the other to <u><em>castigate</em></u> her as a genre writer who is getting above herself. Perhaps underlying the debate is that familiar, false opposition set up between different kinds of fiction, according to which<u><em> enjoyable</em></u> novels are held to be somehow slightly lowbrow, and a novel is not considered true literature unless it is a tiny bit dull.
P. D. James (Phyllis Dorothy James) was an English Crime writer born on 3 August 1920. She is famously known for her series of detective novels including police commander and the poet Adam Dalgliesh.
once there was a love then she od’ed
then the achohal and saddess came
drinking felt good and emotions went away
now everything is alright