Phosphodiester bonds:"It is a co-v-a-l-e-n-t bond in which a phosphate group joins adjacent carbons through ester linkages."
- The 3’-end has a free hydroxyl group at the 3’-carbon of a sugar, and the 5’end has a free hydroxyl group or phosphate group at the 5’-carbon of a sugar.
Option- E: Is The best option to Choose from.
The phosphodiester bond links a 3' carbon to a 5' carbon in DNA and RNA.
<span>Plasmodium is a parasitic protozoan that needs two hosts for its propogation.</span>
An intermediate is a species which appears in the mechanism of a reaction, but not in the overall balanced equation. Examples: Amphibian/land vertebrate (Pederpes)- Intermediate form between primary aquatic Upper Devonian amphibians and early tetrapods. Lizard/snake (Pachyrhachis)—Intermediate form of snakes and an extinct lizard-like reptile. It was a primitive snake with limbs.
Cas9-sgRNA cannot align with targeted DNA sequence
Without a PAM sequence, the CRISPR-sgRNA (small guide RNA) complex cannot align with the targeted DNA sequence. Therefore, you cannot perform experiments (e.g. gene editing) using CRISPR-Cas9.
Length of time candle burns is the correct answer.