C. Brown V Board of Education
flying cars
as technology advances, I believe that our IT workers will produce a prolific amount of flying cars that will utilize greenhouse gases as fuel.
The first ten amendments are called the Bill of Rights.
The war resulted in the Treaty of Tientsin (26 June 1858), which forced the Chinese to pay reparations for the expenses of the recent war, open a second group of ten ports to European commerce, legalize the opium trade, and grant foreign traders and missionaries rights to travel within China.
I'm smart
The most surprising thing for me personally was the set up of the trenches, there is a very good system where the front line is the first to attack or be attacked while the others are there as backups. If someone were to get hurt within the first trench, there are easily accessible routes for the soldiers to take to retreat to safety, on the contrary, if the front lines were in need of any reinforcement whatsoever, there is a clear way to travel for the soldiers to get more ammunition or man power.