(D) because Hades is convinced of Orpheus’s love and grants him his wish
Theme in literature are used to entertain, to teach a moral lesson, to convey meaning, or more importantly, to make the reader aware of some aspect of the human condition. The writers creatively share their ideas and express themes that are timeless and universal.
The meeting with Hades is the way the writer develops the theme with a specific purpose. The purpose is by meeting with Orpheus, Hades gives him the opportunity to realize his wish, which was to return Orpheus's wife, Eurydice, into the world of the living. This meeting creates the setting for what the tragedy that is to come.
Henry Louis Gates, Jr. was a highly educated writer. He wrote the essay called "In the Kitchen". In the script, he talks about his mother doing hair in the kitchen. The "kitchen" doesn't actually refer to a kitchen where someone would cook food. The "kitchen" is the area on the back of the head where "our neck meets the shirt collar". As Gates goes on to say, no one nor thing could straighten the kitchen. Gates begins to describe a political significance to hair by speaking of the "good" and "bad" hair. Gates attitude towards the "kitchen" is quite negative as he does not like the politics of it. They [people in general] consider white hair good hair. He believes the "process" in which a man tries to straighten his hair is pointless as it will not fix the "kitchen". The process for trying to fix it is quite expensive. It is best to trim it all off the best you can. Gates uses Frederick Douglas and Nat King Cole as examples of famous African-Americans to argue, to his point, that even the most expensive or unorthodox way of trying to fix your "kitchen" simply does not work
A shellfish is different from other fishes because it has a shell to protect it from other creatures
B. 3 years
The ideal age to learn second or third language is approximately until the age of 3. From 3 to 8 is the second best moment, because the window of opportunity is still open. The most appropriate route, according to experts, is that language learning in childhood happens during the games. 3 years is the ideal age because it is at this age that the neural pathways not associated with the mother tongue of a child begin to disappear.
The linguistic interaction in which the child participates provides most of the data in this process of cognitive development. As a consequence, the neural structures in the brain that correspond to the concepts that are being learned end up naturally and closely associated with the neural structures that correspond to the forms of the language.