Answer: B) her own perspective.
Explanation: In the given excerpt from "My Story" we can see that the narrator is accounting the events in first-person perspective. This makes this excerpt probably more accurate than other accounts of the same event because Rosa Parks is telling the readers about the time she spend in jail, from her own perspective, so she can clearly express what happened, and how she felt.
There are many other ways of communicating besides speaking and writing. Such as sign language, that does not involve speaking or writing.
-Mabel <3
there needs the be a comma
In these sentences, the point the author is trying to make is that nature does not care whether plants, animals, or humans live or die.
The overall theme of "The Trail of Meat" is nature, and while the winter itself may have made the journey nearly impossible, the author hints at nature's indiscriminatory behavior against anything with movement, "... It is not the way of the Wild to like movement. Life is an offence to it, for life is movement; and the Wild aims always to destroy movement. "
"Thus it was, grandchildren, that I began my day as Kii Yazhi and ended it as Ned Begay.”
Significance of this statement:
The story of how he ended up with a different name at the end of the day is the meaning of this statement to me. Because the white teacher didn't understand their language and didn't realize that Biye means "son of" in Navajo, there were so many Begays. So he gave him the name Biye, spelled "Begay" as he had heard it. Other white men followed suit. That's why there are so many Begay Navajo families. He was relieved that he didn't have another John for a first name. The white man was tired of writing the name John by the time he got to him. As a result, he was given the same first name as the teacher's uncle, "Ned," who had died.