Before We're and after hide-and-go-seek,.
Eli was speaking to someone, explaining the game they were playing.
The sentence should read: "We're playing hide-and-go-seek," Eli mumbled.
To be in any position of power can be very lonely. When you are in a position of power, you are not able to confide in people as they can use those words against you. Plus, any decision you make can be twisted and rumored before you are ready to reveal what you are going to do. Additionally, you are not the most popular person, especially when you have to make a decision that many do not agree with, so they don't always like you very much.
Proverbs 31:10-30 shows how important mom is compares her to may things
Possibly because if something stained the wall, then it would not come off, would be hard to get off, or will not come off for a long time.