An uncharacteristically pale character and unrelenting disciple of fact, Bitzer almost stops Tom from fleeing after it is discovered that Tom is the true bank robber. Mr. McChoakumchild - The unpleasant teacher at Gradgrind’s school.
I would say that William Blake directs the poem's praise to the gentleness of nature. The book where all these poems are written is called Songs of Innocence, so it is obvious what he is talking about.
After being kidnapped from West Africa and enslaved in Boston, Phillis Wheatley became the first African American and one of the first women to publish a book of poetry in the colonies in 1773. Who Was Phillis Wheatley?
Answer: The otter is a playful animal.
There is a new safari habitat at the zoo, you can go see it if you like.
Bats are nocturnal insect eaters, some may say they are scary.
Having a pet snake can have it's own dangers. .43% of people in the USA die from their pet snake.
Hippos are large semi-aquatic mammals, with a large body shorter legs, and a very large head.
Explanation: i hope this helps :)