The English, Spanish, and French mainly. And they were to colonize and dig for gold
Bad, like bad bad. the soldiers were not all soldiers, most of them were tradesmen: blacksmiths, carpenters, farmer, etc. These “soldiers” were not prepared for what happened. The soldiers went through their rations quickly and ate a mixture of flour and water to survive. The sanitary conditions of the camp were terrible because they were nit knowledgeable to put the latrine, the hole they peed, pooped, and threw-up in, far enough away from the camp so that no one got sick. Also it was winter in Pennsylvania, so it was freezing and snowing. The quarters of soldiers were cloths draped over sticks until the cabins were built later. And all of the previous was the conditions of those who were not injured or dying. Those who were injured were having body parts sawed off with woodworking saws without and pain relieving medication, except alcohol. They felt all of it. In conclusion, the soldier were cold, tired, starved, weak, and in some cases crippled. Those who had died early were considered lucky.
State and local laws in the South that made racial segregation—separation by races—legal. These laws existed mostly in Southern states from the end of Reconstruction in the late 1870.After Reconstruction, whites returned to power in the South. Laws were made to limit African American rights. Policies were set up to keep white people in power over African Americans. Local and state governments made rules that kept African Americans from being able to vote.