Answer: Endosmosis is the movement of water from outside to inside of the cell. In hypotonic solution, concentration of the solvent is high outside the cell. Therefore, water/solvent enters the cell causing the contents of the plant cell to press against the cell wall. In hypertonic solution, exosmosis will take place, i.e. the solvent/water will move from inside to outside of the cell.
Answer: First propounded in 1960 by United States scientists Nelson Hairston, Frederick Smith and Lawrence Slobodkin, the hypothesis states that predators more than plant defences are responsible for limiting herbivore spread which would, in turn, lead to large scale destruction of plant life
1 step is you need to get some water.
2step out will dry it then pit it in a bowl.
3 step pick it up and rinse some Water in it.
First off, know that the whole division into kingdoms idea has been removed. All living creatures are now separated into domains: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. Still, I can provide a few for each category.
Monera is all the bacteria and archae bacteria in the world. They are all prokaryotes and therefore have no nucleus. Some examples are the certain diseases, such as Streptococcus pneumoniae (the bacteria that causes pneumonia) and Micobacterium tuberculosis (which causes tuberculosis).
Fungi are all the fungi of the world, all of which are eukaryotes that exist in both diploid and haploid stages. They include all the mushrooms of the world and molds like the bread mold, Rhizopus stolonifer.
Protists are extremely diverse, many being eukaryotes, though some are prokaryotes, and some being unicellular while others and multicellular. They are divided into three categories, protists (animal-like), which include Amoeba, algae (plant-like), which include Ulva, and fungus-like, which include chytrids.
Muchas gracias crak por la su colaboración ayuda a que me pueda ayudar a ver que le dijo un amigo a la siguiente pregunta sobre las aportaciones principales de este destacado este año que viene de Argentina en el mundial Sudáfrica de Sudáfrica la Argentina está en muy poco el panorama de la sosiedad y Sico responsabilidades compartidas entre los países más ricos del mundo en el que muestre el suelo y el area que le digas lo que tú quieras a y
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