La cultura popular es el conjunto de prácticas, creencias y objetos que encarnan los significados más ampliamente compartidos de un sistema social.
Answer: 2. dijo 3. puse 4. diste 6. anduvo 7. supimos 1. anduvimos 5. estuvimos
i speak fluent spanish
1. Yo llevé la ropa y el perro conmigo
It means "I took the cloths and the dog with me" and "llevé" means I took, "llevasia" does not exist and "llavé" neither.
Greetings from Argentina
the avant-garde is therefore very much ‘anarchistic’. Thought of as a war-machine, the avant-garde is productive of the means rather than the end, at ease with war but decidedly queasy in victory, being an act devoid of any determination other than its artistic intent; in other words, existing only and incessantly as the vanguard.