1. They Allies set the terms for the Japanese surrender at the Potsdam Conference
(See explanation for further details)
- Economía de mercado (Market economy)
- Propiedad privada en bienes, servicios y medios de producción (Private property on goods, services and means of production)
- Iniciativa individual (Individual initiative)
- Economía de planificación central (Central planning economy)
- Propiedad estatal en bienes, servicios y medios de producción (State property on goods, services and means of production)
- Colectivismo (Colectivism)
B. The demand for building materials
The demand for housing was so high that the cost of rent soared. Because the speculators had inflated the economy, many American who had migrated to Florida could no longer afford to live here. At the same time, the demand for building materials overwhelmed the railway systems that transported them here.