Answer: population growth momentum.
Population momentum provides an explanation for the population growth that happens even if number of children per woman declines. It occurs because the number of reproductive women also determines the population growth, and not the number of children per woman solely. Population momentum, therefore, occurs due to a large number of people in childbearing and pre-childbearing years.
<u>c. Laboratory experiments have a high degree of control and may create an artificial atmosphere.</u>
A limitation of laboratory experiments is that the environment in which the experiments take place, is very much calculated and controled. This means that it is artificial, and this wll affect the generalization of the findings considering a not cotroling environment such as a real environment.
The United States Decleration of Independence is the pronouncement adopted by the Second Continential Congress meeting at the Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia.
"The poor depended on grains to survive while the wealthy enjoyed game and other exotic dishes" is the best comparison for the food available to the poor versus that which the wealthy enjoyed.
The difference of food consumed by rich and poor depends upon the specific countries but two assumptions are common among all nations that rich consume their food in more pieces and in more fancy manner than poor. Here if we discuss Romans than following could be understood:
- On an average the Rich Romans ate three meals, first meal/breakfast was called the "ientaculum". It was usually eaten around dawn, involve bread and perhaps some fruit.
- The lunch meal was called the "prandium" it was a very small meal, consumed at about 11 AM.
- The "cena" was the major meal of the day it was consumed in the afternoon.
- A porridge name, "puls," was the staple food of the poor. Puls was made by combining ground wheat and water. They might sometimes get some vegetables or fruits to consume with their pulses. Meat was consumed very rarely by them.
Certain map projections, or ways of displaying the Earth in the most accurate ways by scale, are more well-known and used than other kinds. Three of these common types of map projections are cylindrical, conic, and azimuthal