The proteins are called Histone proteins. Chromosomal DNA is packaged such that the strands of DNA are wound around histone proteins and fold into complex ways to form chromosomes. The histone proteins are positively charged proteins that strongly adhere to negatively charged DNA and form complexes called nucleosomes. Each nucleosome is composed of double-helical DNA wrapped.
D. Limit further logging and clearcutting of pine trees.
para la mayoría de los seres vivos son 20
Explanation: alanina, arginina, asparagina, aspartato, cisteína, fenilalanina, glicina, glutamato, glutamina, histidina, isoleucina, leucina, lisina, metionina, prolina, serina, tirosina, treonina, triptófano y valina.
Sin embargo, hay excepciones: en algunos seres vivos el código genético tiene pequeñas modificaciones y puede codificar otros aminoácidos
D. Gravity and Distance. The distance earth is from the sun is what's keeping us from barreling into the mass of flame and heat. The distance between us and the moon is what keeps the moon from crashing into us. It could not be C, as the definition of inertia is: "a property of matter by which it continues in its existing state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line, unless that state is changed by an external force." Hope this helps :)
TRUE, it can regulate the amount of water leaving it.