Answer: The reason it wasn't cold because it was an expression of the cold war, and plus it was mainly because so many people was dying and the war lasted a long time.
In 1681, King Charles II granted William Penn, a Quaker, a charter for the area that was to become Pennsylvania. Penn guaranteed the settlers of his colony freedom of religion. He advertised the policy across Europe so that Quakers and other religious dissidents would know that they could live there safely.
A. ambiguity means like blurred lines between two things. so if somebody had both or neither reproductive parts, they would be considered intersex,
or the lines blurred between
The Indians living in the area where Jamestown was settled must have had mixed feelings about the arrival of the English in 1607. One of their first reactions was hostility based on their previous experience with Spanish explorers along their coastline. They attacked one of the ships before the English actually landed. Yet the Indians soon began to offer food and traditional Indian hospitality to the newcomers. At first, Powhatan, leader of a confederation of tribes around the Chesapeake Bay, hoped to absorb the newcomers through hospitality and his offerings of food. As the colonists searched for instant wealth, they neglected planting corn and other work necessary to make their colony self-sufficient. They therefore grew more and more dependent on the Indians for food.
King Philip's War is sometimes called the First Indian War. It took place between 1675 and 1678. King Philip's war was fought between the English colonists of New England and a group of Native American tribes. The main leader of the Native Americans was Metacomet, chief of the Wampanoag peoples.
Totalitarianism controls all aspects of social and institutional life
Authoritarianism allows for some degree of social freedom.
Authoritarianism allows for some degree of social freedom.
- Totalitarianism is a political regime based on a pervasive ideology and terror that controls all areas of human life.
- Often, totalitarianism is mistakenly compared and equated with forms of government such as dictatorship, tyranny, despotism, autocratic regimes, etc.
- Political science finds a significant substantive difference between them. According to the most influential analyst of the emergence of H. Arendt, totalitarianism is a unique political phenomenon that emerged in the 1930s.
- One of the key differences between totalitarianism and similar regimes is that these regimes retain state structure, while totalitarianism, although in some places retains state form, abolishes the logic of the state (distinguishing power from civil society) and establishes the rule of an organization (party) with which it is indoctrinated. the mass fully identifies.
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