Think about the idea here and you'll see how the idea of "cost" is inevitable in every decision. (It's true not just of governments, but of our own decisions too -- but we'll focus on governments here.)
Let's say the government decides it wants all citizens to have access to health care. Well, that's going to cost dollars to pay for that health care. Where will those dollars come from?
Let's say the government decides, in response to school shootings or other acts of gun violence, to ban certain types of guns or ammunition. That costs something to the gun dealers who were making money off those sales (and they'll object). Or let's say the government decides to do further and deeper background checks on all gun buyers. Well, that will cost something in terms of personnel and processes to accomplish all the background checks. Or let's say the government decides to increase mental health screenings and treatment because persons with mental illness issues may become violent and dangerous to society. That will cost much in order to organize and carry out better mental health intervention across the country.
I focused on just a couple issues there (health care, gun control). But the same principle holds on anything government does. You can think about your own examples that you'd want to use. Anything the government decides to do comes with some sort of costs attached. That doesn't mean it's bad to make such decisions -- it just means we need to count the cost and invest our efforts where they will have the best benefit.
The German government issued The Sussex Pledge that basically told the U.S. that they were going to change their policies on navel war.
The ability to walk upright and the development of the opposable thumb really signifies the shift from life in the trees to life on the ground. This is the main reason why it is important.
Descubrimiento de América es la denominación que recibe el acontecimiento histórico acaecido el 12 de octubre de 1492, consistente en la llegada a América de una expedición española dirigida por Cristóbal Colón por mandato de los Reyes Católicos, Isabel de Castilla y Fernando de Aragón. Colón había partido del Puerto de Palos (España) dos meses y nueve días antes y, tras cruzar el océano Atlántico, llegó a una isla del continente americano, Guanahani, creyendo que había llegado a la India. Este hecho es uno de los momentos fundamentales de la historia universal y representa un “descubrimiento” de riquezas, buena tierra, condiciones climáticas favorables al europeo y de una población con una cosmología de relaciones de poder muy distintas, sin pretensiones expansionistas; así como un mal llamado "encuentro de dos mundos" que habían evolucionado independientemente desde el poblamiento de América.