They were symbols of the highest ranking.<span>Certain colored feathers were attributed more value than others. Since red was associated with gods and chiefs, red feathers were reserved for religious objects and garments worn by high-ranking members of society. In Hawaii, where the red-feathered </span>i’iwi<span> and </span>apapane<span> birds are small but plentiful, feathered capes made for the elite actually came to be known as </span>‘ahu ‘ula<span>, meaning “red garment.” The name did not change even after Hawaiian artists began including yellow feathers alongside the red. Rarer than red feathers in Hawaii, the golden feathers of the </span>‘o’o<span> and </span>mamo<span>were highly prized.</span>
Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Hermes, and either Hestia or Dionysus.
There we go! lol
You like my paintings?
(I look like trash)
To fix this photograph I would do a couple things. First, I would change the backround. For a wedding photoshoot it should look happy and pretty, for example a flower field or a nice building, not a run-down nasty building. I would also change the fact that the bride isn't looking at the camera. Another thing I would do, which is unnessary but might look better, is pose the couple differently. The photographer made the groom more focused on so I would change their positions to distribute the main focus. I do, however, like the candidness of the shot.
My mom's a photographer, so yeah.
Hope this helps! :)
the architecture had a sense of transparency