C. Faults form in the lithosphere.
E. Plates slide in the opposite direction
Transform boundaries otherwise known as transform plate boundaries is a term that refers to a place where plates slide past each other. During this process, the lithosphere is neither formed nor destroyed, rather thin linear rift valleys are formed. Most transform boundaries occur on the seafloor. Transform boundaries have the capacity of causing intense earthquakes with an adverse effect on the ecosystem. An example of transform boundaries is California's San Andrea.
Hardin wrote to Eleanor Roosevelt to share her bitterness against the
government programs who give out financial support to unemployed
She thinks that these government programs, instead of
helping people get back on their feet to look for work, are enabling
people to laze about and wait for government hand-outs without exerting
effort to better their lives.
She beliefs that it is very unfair
for people like her to work very hard for her living and see those who
are able to work but chose not to relying completely on government
History of South Asia: Heritage of Indian Religions ... - › ... › History › History of Asia
Start studying History of South Asia: Heritage of Indian Religions. ... Terms in this set (10) ... Which of the following traditions is usually not a part of Hindu rituals? ... and schools have established ______ for certain castes and groups in an effort to ensure ... The caste system was originally developed by the ______ society.
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