Water, erosion, mountains, volcanoes, storms, hurricanes, plate tectonics, mining, deforestation
you can use any 3
Normal fault
Tensional stress occurs as a result of forces which could be wind, water etc pulling the rocks apart and forming faults. Faults are also known as a type of fracture which occurs between rocks.
Tensional stress along a fault can result in a dropped hanging-wall block relative to the footwall side(in a perpendicular position) thereby producing a normal fault.
Volcanic eruptions can destroy building that store resources, burn trees, kill animals and make land not suitable for farming etc
I seen someone yelling doing the chicken dance around the room they were looking at the camera with the chicken mask it was the funniest thing I ever seen
coastal Mombasa areas and nyanza kisumu regions
in coast regions we have the Indian ocean and lake basin regions of nyanza like in kisumu we have the lakes eg lake Victoria that leads to convectional rainfall occurrence.