I believe it is Maxime Porte un pantalon noir et une chemise bleue. So B
Adverb: quickly
Word modified by adverb: sprinted
Kind of word modified by adverb: verb
The nestorian stelle in a Chinese context gives us a great example of syncretism that it is when faiths, custom and cultures end up mixing when they encountered in many years. When we talk about Christianity in Budhist terms we have to talk about the monument put ut by the Cninese Nestorians in Chang'an. The monument describes Christ in Budhist language:"(Christ) fixed the extent of the eight boundaries ( the eight conciousnesses of Mahayana Buddhism, thus completing the truth and freeing it from dross (worthlessness), he opened the gate of the the three constant principles ( impermanence, suffering and nonself) introducing life and destroying death.
<span>BLANCANIEVES /Francisco Javier Bernad Morales
</span>La Vida Es sueno /Pedro calderón de la barca
Las moscas/ jean paul sarte
Cuentos de barro/ Salarrue
Aguan de coco/ Salarrue
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