There once was a little girl named Annabeth. She was walking home from school when she heard a voice, so she stopped walking and looked around in fright. She then heard it again and she said in a quiet but audible voice “Who’s there?” She heard the voice again and said “Help me, help me” repetitively, Annabeth walked a little closer and then looked to both sides and walked into the forest and looked around her and didn’t find anyone around her. So she walked further into the forest. She came to a stop when she saw an open door in a tree. She looked around to make sure no one was watching. She walked into the door and she gasped when she saw what was on the other side of the door. She saw a Unicorn galloping in the distance. She was amazed to see something so pretty. She walked forward and the Unicorn saw her and stopped, she stopped in her tracks and Unicorn slowly walked over to her, she reached her hand out and the horse let her pet him.
That is 183 words
A fault line is the landform where a transverse boundary.
I think it would be 35.82
Apartheid was an official policy of racial segregation in South Africa from 1948 to 1994. Although racial segregation and discrimination arose earlier, after the 1948 general election, people were divided into classes by law: black, white, colored, and Asian. People of different skin colors who had lived together so far were separated, and two infrastructures were set up in the country, one for whites and the other for blacks.
This situation was clearly similar to that of the racial segregation that took place in the southern United States from the end of the Civil War until the 1960s, through which the Democratic governments of the southern states segregated African-American populations from their territories, relegating them to a citizenship of inferior conditions, with worse public services and a general lack of rights compared to those of whites.
Parallel are 2 lines going straight across in the same Direction
example: _________